- Amish
Relating to this sect.
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Wikipedia foundation.
Amish — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Pareja amish en un coche tirado por caballos en la zona rural de Holmes County, en Ohio, lugar de una de las mayores concentraciones de amish en los Estados Unidos. Los amish (pronunciación AFI … Wikipedia Español
Amish — Am ish, a. [Written also {Omish}.] (Eccl. Hist.) Of, pertaining to, or designating, the followers of Jacob Amman, a strict Mennonite of the 17th century, who even proscribed the use of buttons and shaving as worldly conformity . There are several … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Amish — Am ish, n. sing. & pl. [Written also {Omish}.] (Eccl. Hist.) The Amish Mennonites. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
amish — amish·go; amish; … English syllables
Amish — ☆ Amish [äm′ish, am′ish, ām′ish ] pl.n. [after Jacob Ammann (or Amen), the founder] the members of a Christian sect that separated from the Mennonites in the 17th cent.: in the U.S. since the 18th cent., the Amish favor plain dress and plain… … English World dictionary
amish — ● amish adjectif et nom invariables Se dit d un groupe mennonite américain, concentré dans la région de Philadelphie, remarquable par son austérité et son attachement aux traditions … Encyclopédie Universelle
Amish — [ a:mɪʃ] <Pl.> [nach Jakob Amman]: engl. Form von »Amischen« ↑ (Amischer 2): die A … Universal-Lexikon
Amish — (adj.) 1844, American English, from the name of Jacob Amman, 17c. Swiss Mennonite preacher who founded the sect. Originally spelled Omish, which reflects the pronunciation in Pennsylvania German dialect. As a noun, by 1884 … Etymology dictionary
Amish — ► PLURAL NOUN ▪ a strict US Protestant sect living mainly in Pennsylvania and Ohio. ORIGIN from the name of the Swiss preacher Jakob Amman (c.1645 c.1730) … English terms dictionary
Amish — This article is about Old Order Amish, but also refers to other Amish sects. For other uses, see Amish (disambiguation). Amish Total population 249,000 (Old Order Amish) … Wikipedia
Amish — Buggy, transport traditionnel amish dans le comté de Lancaster … Wikipédia en Français