- pilgrimage
In the Muslim faith, the pilgrimage to Mecca is known as the Hajj.
Each year we made a pilgrimage to New York City to visit the pub where we all first met.
Wikipedia foundation.
In the Muslim faith, the pilgrimage to Mecca is known as the Hajj.
Each year we made a pilgrimage to New York City to visit the pub where we all first met.
Wikipedia foundation.
Pilgrimage — Pil grim*age, n. [OE. pilgrimage, pelgrinage; cf. F. p[ e]lerinage.] 1. The journey of a pilgrim; a long journey; especially, a journey to a shrine or other sacred place. Fig., the journey of human life. Shak. [1913 Webster] The days of the years … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pilgrimage — (n.) mid 13c., pelrimage; see PILGRIM (Cf. pilgrim) + AGE (Cf. age) … Etymology dictionary
pilgrimage — *journey, voyage, tour, trip, jaunt, excursion, cruise, expedition … New Dictionary of Synonyms
pilgrimage — [n] long journey crusade, excursion, expedition, mission, tour, travel, trip, wayfaring; concept 224 Ant. jaunt … New thesaurus
pilgrimage — ► NOUN ▪ a pilgrim s journey … English terms dictionary
pilgrimage — [pil′grə mij] n. [ME pilgrymage < OFr pelegrinage < pelegrin,PILGRIM] 1. a journey made by a pilgrim, esp. to a shrine or holy place 2. any long journey, as to a place of historical interest … English World dictionary
pilgrimage — /pil greuh mij/, n., v., pilgrimaged, pilgrimaging. n. 1. a journey, esp. a long one, made to some sacred place as an act of religious devotion: a pilgrimage to Lourdes. 2. Islam. a. the Pilgrimage, hajj. b. umrah. 3. any long journey, esp. one… … Universalium
Pilgrimage — In religion and spirituality, a pilgrimage is a long journey or search of great moral significance. Sometimes, it is a journey to a sacred place or shrine of importance to a person s beliefs and faith. Members of many major religions participate… … Wikipedia
pilgrimage — Traditional pilgrimage practices, having all but ceased to exist during the Cultural Revolution, re emerged in the 1980s. In addition, new forms of pilgrimage to sites associated with CCP history and the revolution that appeared following the… … Encyclopedia of Contemporary Chinese Culture
PILGRIMAGE — In Hebrew the term aliyah (lit. going up ) has been used since ancient times for pilgrimages to Jerusalem on the three festivals known as shalosh regalim). The Torah prescribes that all males must go up to Jerusalem three timesa year on the three … Encyclopedia of Judaism
pilgrimage — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ annual ▪ religious, spiritual VERB + PILGRIMAGE ▪ go on, make ▪ She made a pilgrimage to visit the place where h … Collocations dictionary