- utilitarian
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Utilitarian — Студийный альбом Napalm Death Дата выпуска … Википедия
Utilitarian — U*til i*ta ri*an, a. [See {Utility}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Of or pertaining to utility; consisting in utility; ?iming at utility as distinguished from beauty, ornament, etc.; sometimes, reproachfully, evincing, or characterized by, a regard for… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Utilitarian — U*til i*ta ri*an, n. One who holds the doctrine of utilitarianism. [1913 Webster] The utilitarians are for merging all the particular virtues into one, and would substitute in their place the greatest usefulness, as the alone principle to which… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
utilitarian — index beneficial, disposable, effective (efficient), functional, practical, pragmatic, purposeful … Law dictionary
utilitarian — 1781, coined by Jeremy Bentham (1748 1832) from UTILITY (Cf. utility). One guided by the doctrine of the greatest happiness for the greatest number … Etymology dictionary
utilitarian — [adj] practical commonsensical, down to earth, effective, efficient, functional, hard, hardheaded, matter of fact, nuts and bolts*, pragmatic, pragmatical, realistic, sensible, serviceable, unidealistic, unromantic, useful; concept 560 Ant.… … New thesaurus
utilitarian — ► ADJECTIVE 1) useful or practical rather than attractive. 2) relating to or adhering to utilitarianism. ► NOUN ▪ an adherent of utilitarianism … English terms dictionary
utilitarian — [yo͞o til΄ə ter′ē ən] adj. [ UTILIT(Y) + ARIAN: coined (1781) by Jeremy Bentham] 1. of or having to do with utility 2. stressing usefulness over beauty or other considerations 3. made for or aiming at utility 4. of, or having belief in,… … English World dictionary
utilitarian — [[t]ju͟ːtɪlɪte͟əriən[/t]] utilitarians 1) ADJ Utilitarian means based on the idea that the morally correct course of action is the one that produces benefit for the greatest number of people. [TECHNICAL] It was James Mill who was the best… … English dictionary
utilitarian — I. noun Date: circa 1780 an advocate or adherent of utilitarianism II. adjective Date: 1802 1. of or relating to or advocating utilitarianism 2. marked by utilitarian views or practices 3. a. of, relating to, or aiming at utility b. exhibiting or … New Collegiate Dictionary
utilitarian — u|til|i|tar|i|an [ ju,tılı teriən ] adjective 1. ) utilitarian attitudes or principles are based on the belief that something is morally right if it helps a majority of people 2. ) designed to be useful rather than attractive: utilitarian… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English