adoptive mother

adoptive mother
A woman who has adopted a child, as opposed to a biological mother.

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  • adoptive — adop·tive /ə däp tiv/ adj 1 a: having adopted an adoptive parent b: having been adopted an adoptive child 2: made or acquired by accepting as one s own the words or actions of another to constitute an adoptive admission...defendant must …   Law dictionary

  • mother — mother1 [muth′ər] n. [ME moder < OE modor, akin to Ger mutter < IE * matér, mother (> L mater, Gr mētēr, OIr māthir) < * ma , echoic of baby talk] 1. a woman who has borne a child; esp., a woman as she is related to her child or… …   English World dictionary

  • Mother of Ultra — (ウルトラの母, Urutora no Haha?) is a fictional alien superhero featured in the Ultra Series. She first appeared in the first episode of Ultraman Taro and is the mother of Taro himself. Her real name Mari (マリー, Marī …   Wikipedia

  • adoptive — [[t]ədɒ̱ptɪv[/t]] 1) ADJ: ADJ n Someone s adoptive family is the family that adopted them. He was brought up by adoptive parents in London. ...her adoptive mother. 2) ADJ: ADJ n Someone s adoptive country or city is the one that they choose for… …   English dictionary

  • adoptive — adoptively, adv. /euh dop tiv/, adj. 1. of or involving adoption. 2. acquired or related by adoption: an adoptive father or son. 3. tending to adopt. [1400 50; < L adoptivus; see ADOPT, IVE; r. late ME adoptife < MF adoptif] Usage. Although… …   Universalium

  • Mother — Numerous terms redirect here. For other uses, see Mother (disambiguation), Mom (disambiguation), Mommy (disambiguation), Moms (disambiguation), Mum (disambiguation), Motherhood (film), and Mothering (magazine) …   Wikipedia

  • mother — mother1 motherless, adj. motherlessness, n. /mudh euhr/, n. 1. a female parent. 2. (often cap.) one s female parent. 3. a mother in law, stepmother, or adoptive mother. 4. a term of address for a female parent or a woman having or regarded as… …   Universalium

  • mother — I. /ˈmʌðə / (say mudhuh) noun 1. a female parent. 2. Aboriginal English (a term used to refer to one s biological mother and her sisters.) 3. a mother in law, step mother, or adoptive mother. 4. (a term of familiar address for an old or elderly… …  

  • mother — n. & v. n. 1 a a woman in relation to a child or children to whom she has given birth. b (in full adoptive mother) a woman who has continuous care of a child, esp. by adoption. 2 any female animal in relation to its offspring. 3 a quality or… …   Useful english dictionary

  • adoptive — a•dop•tive [[t]əˈdɒp tɪv[/t]] adj. 1) of or involving adoption 2) use acquired or related by adoption: an adoptive father[/ex] 3) tending to adopt • Etymology: 1400–50; late ME < MF < L a•dop′tive•ly, adv. usage: adoptive is customarily… …   From formal English to slang

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