- Calvinist
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calvinist — CALVINÍST, Ă, calvinişti, ste, adj., s.m. şi f. Calvin. – Din fr. calvinisme. Trimis de valeriu, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 CALVINÍST adj., s. (bis.) 1. adj. v. calvin. 2 … Dicționar Român
Calvinist — Cal vin*ist, n. [Cf. F. Calviniste.] A follower of Calvin; a believer in Calvinism. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Calvinist — [[t]kæ̱lvɪnɪst[/t]] Calvinists 1) ADJ: ADJ n Calvinist means belonging or relating to a strict Protestant church started by John Calvin. ...Calvinist doctrine. ...the Calvinist work ethic. 2) N COUNT A Calvinist is a member of the Calvinist… … English dictionary
Calvinist — Der Calvinismus (auch Kalvinismus) ist eine theologische Bewegung, die auf der Reformation und insbesondere den Lehren von Johannes Calvin beruht. Sie bereitete durch ihre spezifische Arbeits und Wirtschaftsethik der Industriellen Revolution eine … Deutsch Wikipedia
Calvinist — Cal|vin|ist [ˈkælvınıst] adj 1.) following the teachings of Calvinism 2.) also Calvinistic [ˌkælvıˈnıstıkø] having strict moral standards and tending to disapprove of pleasure = ↑puritanical >Calvinist n … Dictionary of contemporary English
Calvinist — adjective 1 following the teachings of Calvinism 2 also Calvinistic having severe moral standards and tending to disapprove of pleasure; puritanical Calvinist noun (C) … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Calvinist — Calvinism ► NOUN ▪ the Protestant theological system of John Calvin (1509 64) and his successors, centring on the doctrine of predestination. DERIVATIVES Calvinist noun Calvinistic adjective … English terms dictionary
Calvinist — I noun an adherent of the theological doctrines of John Calvin • Syn: ↑Genevan • Derivationally related forms: ↑Calvinistical, ↑Calvinism • Hypernyms: ↑necessitarian … Useful english dictionary
Calvinist Church at Hrnčiarska Street — The Calvinist Church (Slovak: Kalvínsky kostol ) at Hrnčiarska ulica (English: Pottery Street ) in Košice, Slovakia was initially an army store house.In the years 1805 – 1811 it was rebuilt to a Calvinist church with a new 48 metres high slender… … Wikipedia
Calvinist, der — Der Calviníst, des en, plur. die en, eine Benennung der Reformirten, von dem Johanne Calvino, ihrem Stifter, welche aber als eine Beleidigung von ihnen angesehen, und daher in der gemäßigten Schreib und Sprechart nicht mehr gebraucht wird. So… … Grammatisch-kritisches Wörterbuch der Hochdeutschen Mundart
Calvinist — noun or adjective see Calvinism … New Collegiate Dictionary