
A marketing discipline that studies consumers sensorimotor, cognitive, and affective responses to marketing stimuli.

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  • Neuromarketing — is a new field of marketing that studies consumers sensorimotor, cognitive, and affective response to marketing stimuli. Researchers use technologies such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to measure changes in activity in parts of… …   Wikipedia

  • Neuromarketing — ist ein interdisziplinäres Forschungsgebiet und relativ neues und kontrovers diskutiertes Teilgebiet des Marketings, in welchem psychologische und neuro physiologische Erkenntnisse für das Marketing interpretiert werden. Es weist einen engen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • neuromarketing — UK US /ˈnjʊərəʊˌmɑːkɪtɪŋ/ US  /ˈnʊərəʊˌmɑrkɪtɪŋ/ noun [U] MARKETING ► the study of how people s brains react to advertising: »In the emerging field of neuromarketing, researchers study the human brain s decision making processes …   Financial and business terms

  • Neuromarketing — Le neuromarketing est l’application des connaissances issues de la recherche publique en neurosciences cognitives au marketing et à la communication. Le but de cette discipline émergente est de mieux comprendre les comportements des consommateurs …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Neuromarketing — El neuromarketing consiste en la aplicación de técnicas pertenecientes a las neurociencias al ámbito de la mercadotecnia, estudiando los efectos que la publicidad y otras acciones de comunicación tiene en el cerebro humano con la intención de… …   Wikipedia Español

  • neuromarketing — (noo.roh.MAR.kuh.ting) n. The neurological study of a person s mental state and reactions while being exposed to marketing messages. Also: neuro marketing. neuromarketer n. Example Citations: When we reached the M.R.I. control room, Clint Kilts,… …   New words

  • neuromarketing — /njuroʊˈmakətɪŋ/ (say nyoohroh mahkuhting) noun marketing which employs neuroscience in devising strategies to make an impression on those targeted by an advertising campaign …  

  • neuromarketing —  n.m. Étude de l impact des messages publicitaires sur le cerveau …   Le dictionnaire des mots absents des autres dictionnaires

  • Marketing Olfativo — es una de las estrategias de posicionamiento más importantes en Mercadotecnia que está tomando un gran auge y este se ve presente en una nueva disciplina dentro el area de conocimiento que es es el Neuromarketing la cual es la encargada de… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Neuroeconomics — is an interdisciplinary field that seeks to explain human decision making, the ability to process multiple alternatives and to choose an optimal course of action. It studies how economic behavior can shape our understanding of the brain, and how… …   Wikipedia

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