- immune
a) Exempt; not subject to
As a diplomat, you are immune from prosecution.
I am immune to chicken pox.
A person who is not susceptible to infection by a particular disease
Wikipedia foundation.
As a diplomat, you are immune from prosecution.
I am immune to chicken pox.
Wikipedia foundation.
immune — is followed by to or from. When the reference is to disease or some other form of harm or danger, to is more usual, and when from is used it is more often in the context of legal liabilities, but these distinctions are far from clear cut and both … Modern English usage
Immune — Im*mune , a. [L. immunis. See {Immunity}.] 1. Exempt; protected. {Im*mu nize}, v. t. [1913 Webster] 2. (Med.) Protected from disease due to the action of the immune system, especially by having been inoculated against or previously exposed to a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
immune — im·mune /i myün/ adj: having immunity: exempt Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. immune … Law dictionary
Immune — Im*mune , n. One who is immune; esp., a person who is immune from a disease by reason of previous affection with the disease or inoculation. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
immune — ► ADJECTIVE 1) resistant to a particular infection owing to the presence of specific antibodies or sensitized white blood cells. 2) relating to such resistance: the immune system. 3) exempt from an obligation or penalty. 4) (often immune to) not… … English terms dictionary
immune — [i myo͞on′] adj. [ME immuin < L immunis, free from public service, exempt < in , without + munia, duties, functions < IE * moini : see COMMON] 1. protected against something disagreeable or harmful 2. not susceptible to some specified… … English World dictionary
immune — (adj.) mid 15c., free; exempt, back formation from IMMUNITY (Cf. immunity). Cf. L. immunis exempt from public service, free from taxes. Specific modern medical sense of exempt from a disease (typically because of inoculation) is from 1881. Immune … Etymology dictionary
immune — agg. [dal lat. immunis, der. di munus obbligo, servizio, imposta, ecc. , col pref. in in 2 ]. 1. [che non è soggetto a determinati obblighi o servizi, con la prep. da : i. da gravami fiscali ] ▶◀ dispensato, esente, esonerato, franco (di), libero … Enciclopedia Italiana
immune — [adj] invulnerable allowed, clear, exempt, favored, free, hardened to, insusceptible, irresponsible, licensed, not affected, not liable, not subject, privileged, protected, resistant, safe, unaffected, unanswerable, unliable, unsusceptible;… … New thesaurus
immune — Immune, et exempt, Immunis … Thresor de la langue françoyse
immune — 01. Scientists do not yet understand why a small number of people seem to be [immune] to the AIDS virus. 02. Growing up in that country, the children developed a natural [immunity] to germs in the water that make visitors ill. 03. Hopefully,… … Grammatical examples in English