
a) Of or relating to the characteristics of an encyclopedia; concerning all subjects, having comprehensive information or knowledge.

[p 151] Although separate encyclopedic sections have nothing to do with the dictionary proper, there are no compelling logical reasons for condemning them.

b) Relating to or containing encyclopedic information rather than only linguistic or lexical information; about facts and concepts, and not only a word or term; including proper names, biographical and geographical information and illustrations.

[p 212] Terms derived from names fall into three categories. Some, like Chomskyan, refer to a person and the work done by that person, or to a place or a person from that place (Virginian, Londoner), and should be defined only in relation to the person or place. They are essentially encyclopedic entries and, if the dictionary contains an entry for the person or place in question, could well be run on without a separate definition.

Syn: encyclopedical, encyclopædical, encyclopaedical

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