
A body of short articles and publications, each containing only a little new information.

By a systematic scanning of microliterature, a list of these can be made.

Ant: macroliterature

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  • minor — 1. adjective /maɪnə/ a) Of little significance or importance. There is now such an immense microliterature on hepatics that, beyond a certain point I have given up trying to integrate (and evaluate) every minor paper published especially narrowly …   Wiktionary

  • floristic — adjective a) Describing a region with a relatively uniform composition of plant species; see also floristic province There is now such an immense microliterature on hepatics that, beyond a certain point I have given up trying to integrate (and… …   Wiktionary

  • hepatic — 1. noun /hɛˈpætɪk/ a) Any compound that acts on the liver. There is now such an immense microliterature on hepatics that, beyond a certain point I have given up trying to integrate (and evaluate) every minor paper published especially narrowly… …   Wiktionary

  • narrowly — adverb a) In a narrow manner; without flexibility or latitude. They regarded the new idea rather narrowly. b) By a narrow margin; closely. There is now such an immense microliterature on hepatics that, beyond a certain point I have given up… …   Wiktionary

  • especially — adverb /ɛsˈpɛʃəli/ a) In a special manner; specially There is now such an immense microliterature on hepatics that, beyond a certain point I have given up trying to integrate (and evaluate) every minor paper published especially narrowly… …   Wiktionary

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